About Capability Forum

Capability Forum - About

For senior marketers that lead or are involved in the capability building of their marketing teams.

WFA’s Capability Forum brings together marketing capability development leaders and offers a great opportunity to share ideas, insights and success stories.

Join us for July’s virtual session where we’ll be discussing how to improve the accountability of marketing capability programmes.

Progress has been made by WFA members on making marketing capability programmes more accountable, however, currently only 47% use KPI’s to track their progress at a company level.

A WFA member will kick-start the discussion on how to improve the accountability of marketing capability programmes: sharing on the set-up of their marketing academy and how they seek to understand the payback from this upskilling and cultural engagement programme.

All participants will then share on their own challenges and successes in evolving their own approaches to enable better informed conversations on capability’s ROI.

An overview from our last meeting can be accessed here.

This meeting is open to senior marketers that lead or are involved in their organisation’s marketing capability development programme.

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