WFA Webinar: Crisis clinic - Managing your sponsorship and experiential marketing initiatives during and after the COVID-19 crisis - About
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, how should you be thinking about your sponsorship and experiential marketing initiatives both now and after the crisis?
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Seasons and matches, live events are delayed or cancelled, value either won’t be delivered or will be significantly diminished or altered for sponsors. During and after the crisis, consumers will engage with properties differently and will approach live brand engagements differently.
Led by Ian Malcolm, President and CEO at Lumency, this webinar will focus on what marketing and marketing procurement professionals need to consider about:
• How to consider lost value from existing sponsorship deals
• What properties may be slow to recover after the crisis and what properties might be more valuable
• How to consider about sponsorship contracts, what language you should consider including going forward around lost value, force majeure/acts of God
• What protocols you should be thinking about for your live brand engagement initiatives (experiential marketing)
Please find the recording here.