About Webinar+: Customer Experience in the New Normal

Webinar+: Customer Experience in the New Normal - About

Can Behavioural Sciences help reinvent your customers' experience?


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Over the last 10 years, the Behavioural Sciences have revolutionised the way we decode human decisions and made clear the importance of context on customer experience.

In this webinar, you will discover how simple “nudges” have generated opportunities in enhancing the user/shopper emotional journey, facilitating choice or improving loyalty.

In the light of massive changes in consumer behaviour happening globally, Richard Bordenave, CEO of BVA Nudge Unit Singapore will decode some of the early trends observed in Asia, that may reshape businesses in a soon future.

With Gareth Walters (Ex Director of Customer Partnerships at Hilton Asia Pacific), they will open a forward-thinking conversation on how brands could use behavioural insights to re-invent their customers’ experience in the new normal.

Please find the recording here.

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