Global DEI Census 2021

Global report now available
Building on insights from 10,000 in-depth interviews with advertising and marketing professionals in 27 markets, this new report reveals the scale of the diversity challenge facing the profession.
It provides detailed insight into how the global industry is performing on a wide range of metrics and covers all protected characteristics – race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, gender identity or expression, family status or disability – as well as positions, salary and most importantly, lived experiences in the workplace.
We plan on re-running the census in spring 2023. We hope we can count on your support then and that, together, we can measure meaningful and lasting progress.
If you'd like to know more, get in touch at DEI@wfanet.org
The research questionnaire was a shortened version of one developed in the UK for the AA/ISBA/IPA-led All In Census led in March 2021. AA and ISBA were enormously generous in terms of sharing their learnings from the UK experience.
In total, WFA counted on the support of more than 160 organisations operating at global, regional and local level. That makes this effort the single biggest collaboration in the history of the global marketing industry.
The output is in-depth insight into the lived experiences of more than 10,000 people across our industry, insights that will enable us to drive change. To all those who partnered with us and to all those who responded to the survey, we are incredibly humbled and grateful.
Multinational supporters
International and national industry partners
For more information or questions, please contact us
Camelia Cristache
c.cristache@wfanet.org -
Will Gilroy