Benchmark: Insights Core Competencies

Benchmark: Insights Core Competencies

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WFA member benchmark on the key skills insights leaders are focusing on

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  • Author:WFA


Benchmarks & surveys
20 December 2023

This WFA member benchmark explored perspectives and practices around key insights competencies among members of the Insight Forum

A member of the WFA Insight Forum requested information from the WFA network to gather perspectives from other peers on Insights Core Competencies. Members were asked:

  1. What are the core competencies that you currently focus on and/or measure in your Insight team?
  2. How do you think these competencies will evolve in the future?
  3. How have these competencies changed over time to keep up with changes in insight practice and tools?
  4. What tools and approaches do you use to track and develop core Insight competencies?

The questions were posed to a representative sample of WFA members with expertise in Insights, 12 of them contributed.

For more details, WFA members can download the report below.

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