Cross-Media Measurement
Halo & Global Cross-Media Measurement

The Halo Framework incorporates an innovative set of technologies that empower local markets to use data assets like panels and exposure events to create measurement reports that are available via a set of Halo APIs. The resulting measurement is intended to meet the needs of the most ambitious advertiser use cases and the demands of media owners for content measurement.
‘North Star’ principles to propel the industry forwards
Coordinated by global brands and leading national advertiser associations, and with involvement from partners from across the ecosystem, WFA has been facilitating a powerful programme of work designed to expedite the implementation of a new wave of cross-media measurement solution, globally.
Our work began with the establishment of advertiser-centric ‘North Star’ requirements, as documented in our Industry Principles document.
Halo - A new technological framework & collaboration
Our advertiser-led, multi-stakeholder programme Halo has been breathing life into a new technological framework.
The initial objective is the secure computation of reach and frequency measurement reports, but with a roadmap that includes outcomes measurement.
The Halo Framework is built around two technological pillars:
- The Virtual People Framework
- The Private Reach and Frequency Estimator (PRFE)
WFA is working with its network of National Advertiser Associations to support deployments of the Framework. ANA and ISBA (Origin) are taking the lead, with exciting local pilots running concurrently, both based on the foundational ‘common components’ being developed by Halo.
The Introduction document includes a detailed explanation of how the Halo technology works and some considerations for local markets considering this as a solution for their market.
What partners say about the framework
Cross-media measurement at Cannes Lions 2022
As the mission to spread advertiser-centric measurement around the world continues, any and all advertisers are welcome to get involved with Halo. And as an industry utility, any player with an interest in measurement should get in touch.
Contact Matt Green or for further information.
Project Halo contributors
For more information or questions, please contact Matt Green at