About Sourcing Forum

Sourcing Forum - About

Boasting over a 1500 marketing sourcing contacts around the world, the Sourcing Forum has been referred to as a group of “enlightened marketing procurement specialists”.

Topic:  Capabilities & skills

This session will give WFA peers the chance to come together to tackle common challenges & identify potential solutions in a ‘warts-and-all’ format under the Chatham House Rule. This is an invitation-only event with no agencies, consultants nor platforms, just global marketing sourcing leaders sharing with, and learning from, their peers.

10:00 - 11:30pm New York | 3:00 - 4:30pm London | Other timezones

Limited to 2 peers per WFA member company.  

Invitation only. Please email Alice a.tomlinson@wfanet.org if you would like to join.

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