Insights and AI

How AI is shaping the future of the insights function

<span>How AI is shaping the future of the insights function</span>

New WFA report shows how new technology is changing the way the insights function works across the globe

AI integration into the insights function is no longer futuristic – it's transforming how organisations understand and act on data today.

According to this latest report by WFA, AI is already playing a pivotal role in enhancing operational efficiency, decision-making speed and knowledge management. Adoption is still in its early stages, however, with many organisations using it for specific tasks rather than fully embedding it into their processes.

Download the report

Our new report Reaching the summit: Elevating the insights function with AI highlights the current state AI application within the world of insights, using responses from 36 senior insights leaders representing 33 multinational WFA member companies with a total global marketing and ad spend of $60 billion. Seventy-five percent of respondents are at the director level or above, underscoring the strategic importance of the insights function within their organisations.

WFA members can download the report below: