Planet Pledge Contact

How to sign up to Planet Pledge

The Pledge is designed to amplify existing efforts and direct WFA members and their value chain partners towards them.  In addition, it introduces new actions that marketing leaders can initiate and champion, thereby playing a distinct role in support of the transition.

Building on the work that WFA member organisations have already contributed to the achievement of the SDGs, the WFA Planet Pledge provides a framework for members to:



to being a part of, and a champion for, the global Race to Zero campaign, and encourage your marketing supply chain to do the same



the capability of marketing organisations to lead for climate action, by providing tools and guidance for your marketers and agencies



the power of your marketing communications to drive more sustainable consumer behaviours



a trustworthy marketing environment, where sustainability claims can be easily substantiated so that consumers can trust the marketing messages they are presented with

1. Commitment to action

Signatories commit to joining and championing the UN Climate Change Race To Zero campaign, by signing up to one of the following platforms:

Check if your company is a member of Race to Zero here.

Signatories will encourage their partners across the marketing supply chain to join the UN Climate Change Race to Zero campaign.

If desired, they could do this by joining the 1.5 Supply Chain Leaders – sending a signal to marketing and other suppliers that science-aligned emissions reductions targets are expected.

Small and Medium-sized (SME) partners across the marketing supply chain should be encouraged to commit via the SME Climate Hub.

This commitment is aligned with the important initiative taken by the UK advertising industry as part of Ad Net Zero.

2. Scale capability

Signatories commit to building capability amongst their marketing, media and advertising teams to enable them to better understand the issue and their role in addressing it.

This could be through in-house developed tools or though core resources developed by the WFA.

3. Inspire action

Signatory companies commit to harnessing the power of their communications to champion and promote sustainable attitudes and behaviours, which are in line with the SDGs with both their employees and consumers at large.

4. Create trust

Signatories commit to ensuring that all marketing sustainability communications are legal, decent, honest and truthful.

Furthermore, as the language of climate and environmental sustainability is often new to consumers, WFA will work with advertising standards bodies worldwide work with other relevant stakeholders in order to deliver industry guidance, ahead of regulations, that will preserve trust in environmental claims thereby enabling consumers to make sustainable choices with confidence.

Measurable outputs

WFA will put together a taskforce with a view to delivering measurable outputs.

WFA produces an annual report on progress, sharing details of members that have been recognised as being part of the Race to Zero, progress in engaging marketing value chain partners, sharing details of capability programmes established, showcase efforts to drive behavioural change initiatives and progress in terms of marketing and claims guidance. 

Reach out below to find out how to get involved.

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