CalciTrio Naturell food supplement (Hungary, TV & Print)

CalciTrio Naturell food supplement (Hungary, TV & Print)

1 minute read

Even the brand name of CalciTrio Naturell food supplement came under scrutiny when Hungary’s regulator looked at its TV and print messages. The results are here.

Article details

  • Author:WFA


1 April 2022


CalciTrio Naturell food supplement claims to be made from 100% plant-based calcium, while the use of the word Naturell in its name and the visuals used in the ads suggests that it contains only 100% natural ingredients.

The regulator found that the brand couldn’t claim a natural source of calcium because it is a chemical element that cannot be produced. The term '100% vegetable calcium source' was also misleading because the product is extracted from calcified red algae, which is not considered to be of vegetable origin.

However, it find the use of the word Naturell in the brand name and the advertising to be acceptable because it did not suggest that the product consisted exclusively of natural ingredients.

Complaint upheld in part

Read the full ruling here.

The Global Guidance on Evironmental Claims offers marketers a selection of case studies that ilustrate the contents of the guidance with real life examples. See full list here.  


Article details

  • Author:WFA


1 April 2022