Remote Workshop: Preparing for Digital Media’s Privacy-first Future: Developing and Deploying Your Strategy (Session 3) - About
The changing nature of data privacy is fundamentally redefining the way in which online audiences are measured and targeted.
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In the third session of this three-workshop series, we look externally at:
- how advertisers can start having the right conversations with their partners
- the agency lens, and how brands can align media agencies with their privacy goals
- the technology perspective, and how to ensure compliance across programmatic data flows
- the contracts and clauses to ensure that brand priorities are well captured
The detailed agenda will be confirmed shortly. The workshop will feature presentations as well break-out discussions.
Workshop partners include WFA Strategic Partners Ebiquity, Firm Decisions & Global Data Bank
Duration: 90min
Time: 7:30AM-9:00AM IST | 10:00-11:30AM CST/SGT | 11:00AM-12:30 PM JST
Attendees: This workshop series has been developed to support WFA members with responsibilities relating to or who have a keen interest in data-driven marketing & privacy. We strongly encourage WFA members across Marketing, Media, Digital, Procurement, Public Affairs, Governance and Legal with to participate as cross-functional teams who will benefit from the knowledge and peer-exchange and continue the conversations internally. There is no limit to the number of participants per member who can attend.
All presentations will be recorded. Chatham House rules will apply to all round-table discussions and break-outs – these will not be recorded but will work within the framework of our competition law compliance policy.
This meeting is for advertisers only.