About Spotlight: Shift - A Marketing Re-think

Spotlight: Shift - A Marketing Re-think - About

The pandemic has further intensified consumer adoption and reliance on the internet. While this increases opportunities for global marketers, it also introduces a growing set of challenges, requirements and capabilities. Many of which are not yet fully on the radar.

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With the use of research from the Singularity University, Mark Holden (Worldwide CSO at PHD), will peer into the future and help us understand how marketing organisations can structure themselves to be better prepared for the future.


  • The current status of marketing today. And an introduction to the five marketing mid-life crisis archetypes;
  • How to progress to greater organisational health – across the five foundations: technology, capability, processes, insights and measurement. With a view on the current state of health within each of these areas;
  • Insights on how to organise marketing capability for the future – using the Shift Identity Matrix to help shape thinking. With implication for in-housing, hubbing and offshoring;
  • The talent implications – with exclusive research from a WARC study across 1,720 marketers. Identifying the marketing capabilities that need to be invested in today.

Click here to view the recording of this session.


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