Green Claims in Advertising Task Force - About
WFA’s Green Claims in Advertising Task Force brings together policy leads within WFA membership to discuss, plan and develop advocacy and outreach on the EU proposal on greenwashing and the upcoming EU proposal on the substantiation of green claims.
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On 30 March, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Directive on Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition. Crucially, this text proposes to ban practices related to ‘greenwashing’, as listed under the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive’s (UCPD) exclusion list.
Join us for this second Green Claims in Advertising Task Force meeting, where we will hold discussions on the following:
- Exchange of views on the Commission proposal and impact on advertisers
- WFA’s response to the Commission’s call for feedback on the proposal due on 29 May
- The results of WFA’s survey on members’ expectations for the upcoming 20 July proposal on the substantiation of Green Claims
This meeting is open to WFA members only.