Spotlight: Clients & Creativity - About
Reversing the decline in creative communications effectiveness
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Join Contagious, Observatory International, and creative industry leaders from Heineken, Cathay Pacific Airways, RGA and Publicis, as we explore results from WFA’s global study into clients & creativity, spanning 34 markets.
Uncover the biggest barriers to progress, around the world, and opportunities to become a more creative, and effective, marketing organisation.
If you are one of the 82% who think ‘creativity is marketing’s superpower’, this is not one to miss.
Session 1: 6th September
Time: 9 AM Brussels | 3 PM Singapore/Hong Kong/China | Other timezones
Session 2: 7th September
Time: 11 AM New York | 5 PM Brussels | Other timezones
This webinar is for WFA members and members of WFA national advertiser associations only.