In-House Forum - About
For global/regional in-house agency leaders and specialists
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WFA’s In-House Forum gives peers the chance to come together to tackle common in-housing challenges and identify potential solutions in a ‘warts and all’ format under the Chatham House Rule.
Topic: Attraction & Retention of Talent
We are joined by Lucinda Peniston-Baines from The Observatory International, who will share on our recent joint study on global in-housing trends.
This is followed by a case study from Nancy Croix, Senior Marketing Director at PepsiCo, who will share on the journey of Sips and Bites, PepsiCo's in-house creative and media agency.
Finally, we invite all participants to share on their own approaches in a roundtable discussion.
Click here for the full agenda.
11am - 12:30pm (NY) | 3pm - 4:30pm (London) | Other timezones
For WFA members only. Limited to 2 peers per WFA member company.