About Spotlight: Contractual watch outs - ensuring agency contracts are fit for purpose (non-media)

Spotlight: Contractual watch outs - ensuring agency contracts are fit for purpose (non-media) - About

Are your agency MSAs (non media) giving you the protection you need in the ever-changing nature of the ecosystem in which advertisers, agencies and their suppliers interact?


Join Elliot Sherrington (Senior Partner) and Jane Dormer (Client Services) from Media Marketing Compliance (MMC) to take a closer look at some common contract terms which can reduce your financial transparency and add additional layers of cost on your marketing spend.

This session will highlight:

  • Common pitfalls and watch outs in contractual language
  • Identify the type of commercial arrangements underpinning these terms
  • Enable advertisers to negotiate contract terms with their agencies and partners from a position of knowledge and strength

 11am New York | 3pm London | Other time-zones

This webinar is open to:

  • WFA members


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