About Policy Forum

Policy Forum - About

For public affairs professionals.


It is a complex time to work in policy. Executives must negotiate volatile and uncertain geopolitics, political polarisation, fast-changing and disruptive technological developments and some increasing scepticism towards marketing and brands.

To successfully navigate these challenges, policy professionals need to be agile and forward-thinking, capable of managing risk and seizing opportunity, and prepared to showcase how their brands can be both a force for good and a force for growth.

This year’s WFA Policy Forum will explore the critical trends shaping the global business landscape and their implications for marketing and policy professionals. The meeting will provide practical insights into how some of the most influential policy and corporate affairs leaders are managing risk and reputation. The session will take place under Chatham House Rules.

Click here for the agenda.

9:00 Policy Board Meeting (Policy Board Members only)
11:00 Policy Forum
15:00 Better Marketing Plenary: Meaning-Making Machines! (at Vaudeville Theatre)

Venue: BIP Meeting Center, Rue Royale 2-4, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

For more information on Global Marketer Week: wfanet.org/gmw

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