Turkish ad industry launches platform to fight ad fraud
RVD joins forces with IAB and the Association of Advertising Agencies
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The Association of Turkish Advertisers (RVD), along with the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Turkey and the Turkish Association of Advertising Agencies (RD), have established The Platform for Trustworthy Digital Advertising (GÜR) to help brands combat ad fraud and safeguard digital advertising investments.
The collaboration is expected to benefit advertisers, publishers and agencies in Turkey.
RVD President Ahmet Pura said: “The Platform for Trustworthy Digital Advertising aims to ensure transparency in the supply chain. Transparency and trust in digital are on the global agenda, yet there are only a few initiatives similar to GÜR around the world, which offers Turkey an opportunity to lead in this space. All stakeholders should join forces to ensure transparency and trust in the industry. GÜR is one of the best examples of how Turkish industry trade bodies can work in harmony.”
For more information, please contact RVD.