Buenos Aires Declaration for Progressive Advertising

Buenos Aires Declaration for Progressive Advertising

1 minute read

WFA and national advertiser associations in South America commit to action on harmful ad stereotypes

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  • Author:WFA


11 October 2019

As advertiser associations, we recognise the capacity marketing has to influence culture and society through the content it produces.

We want to use that power to create communications that are free from bias and discrimination.

We want to break down harmful and offensive stereotypes and help create a world of unlimited possibilities.

We want to depict society in a realistic way, with all its diversity, rather than reinforce potentially inadequate stereotypes.

We believe that it’s time for the marketing industry to promote a world in which we want our children to grow up in, free from bias and with equal opportunities for all.

As advertiser associations, we commit to do our part to encourage the changes in behaviour needed to achieve this.

Today, we make a commitment to promote principles and initiatives that can help show people in advertising as modern and to promote a culture of inclusivity in the workplace.

To realise this common vision, we commit to champion this cause collectively and individually by:

    • Promoting the development of progressive content that doesn’t objectify but instead depicts people as empowered actors, in all their different forms.
    • Promoting a progressive work culture, which offers a place for people, in all their diversity, to flourish and grow.
    • Promoting measurement tools and reporting mechanisms to ensure accountability and to help accelerate progress.

Article details

  • Author:WFA


11 October 2019