Brazilian ad industry unveils campaign on responsible advertising to children

Brazilian ad industry unveils campaign on responsible advertising to children

Industry issues
1 minute read

New campaign led by ABA underpins 22 rules on responsible advertising to children in Brazil

Article details

  • Author:WFA


19 October 2020

ABA Brazil_Responsible advertising campaign_Oct 20.png

18 industry associations in Brazil have joined forces to launch the campaign 'Responsible advertising is no laughing matter' to reinforce responsible advertising best practices when advertising to children.

Led by the Brazilian Association of Advertisers (ABA) and the Brazilian Licensing Association (ABRAL), the campaign includes a series of 22 posters to be highlighted by all participating associations in their communications, based on the 22 rules on responsible advertising to children from the Brazilian Advertising Self-Regulation Code, initiated by the country’s self-regulatory organisation CONAR.

The campaign’s inaugural poster highlighted the rule that "no advertisement shall address consumption imperative appeal directly to children" and refers to a manifesto endorsed by all participating associations to adhere to CONAR rules on responsible advertising to children.

Commenting on the campaign, Sandra Martinelli, ABA Executive President, said: “the main objectives of this campaign are to encourage reflection in relation to consumption and healthy habits in general, and to always keep in mind that any advertisement must be clearly identified and merchandising directly aimed at children is prohibited. CONAR’s existing rules do not hinder the effectiveness of the advertising of products, services and brands, but instead add value to them. Following the rules is not a favour, it is an obligation of companies and advertisers”.

The campaign will end on Children’s Day on November 20. For more information, contact ABA.

Article details

  • Author:WFA


19 October 2020

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