How to build better brands?

How to build better brands?

1 minute read

CMOs at Global Marketer Week provide key pointers on what will help build stronger, more resilient brands.

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  • Author:WFA


Videos & webinars
3 June 2024

We interviewed main stage speakers from Global Marketer Week to hear what they think will help build stronger brands. These are a few of their suggestions for the industry to follow, you can watch all their insights in the video above:

  • Don’t be afraid of AI because it can be a positive force;
  • Deliver results because better brands are effective brands;
  • Be consistent over the long term: consistent messages reinforce each other over time. Remember how consumers can recall slogans from decades past;
  • Establish an emotional connection with the people who buy or could buy your brands. By thinking about what consumers first want, you are more likely to understand how and what they want to hear from you;
  • Be better for both the consumer and for the world, because a product that’s only better for the consumer will ultimately be bad for future consumers;
  • Continuously reinvent yourself to refresh how consumers and new generations see you. This will mean being bold, taking risks and experimenting; and
  • The most powerful brands are the ones that people use to say something about their identity and for that you need a point of view about the world.

 As Stephan Pretorius, Chief Technology Officer at WPP, says:

 “It is an interesting time to be a marketer, because it requires us to own our craft, to be more sophisticated and intelligent, because frankly, the things that AI does well, humans are not great at: humans are not efficient, nor consistent and they can't process large amounts of data. So let's use machines for those things. And use humans for things we are great at."

Article details

  • Author:WFA


Videos & webinars
3 June 2024