Posts about Data-driven marketing

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  1.    Benchmark on the use of DMPs by insights teams to generate consumer insights
    ProgrammaticData & analyticsData-driven marketing

    Benchmark on the use of DMPs by insights teams to generate consumer insights

    WFA benchmark on the use of DMPs by insights teams to generate consumer, rather than the more usual media planning insights.

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  2.    Delivering Value to Consumers from data
    Digital policyData collection & privacyData-driven marketing

    Delivering Value to Consumers from data

    Embracing the potential of data whilst securing sustainable flows for the future remains one of the biggest challenges facing the…

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  3.    Survey on data driven marketing (DDM)
    Digital transformationData & analyticsData-driven marketing

    Survey on data driven marketing (DDM)

    This WFA study aims to provide insight into data being collected and its application by marketers, in pursuit of more effective and…

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  4.    Survey on digital attribution modelling
    Ad fraud & verificationAudience measurementData-driven marketing

    Survey on digital attribution modelling

    Survey to identify whether attribution modelling is conducted, the reasons for doing this, models used and benefits identified.

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  5.    Benchmark on sensory and behavioural marketing
    Integrated marketingData-driven marketing

    Benchmark on sensory and behavioural marketing

    Member benchmark on how research is conducted within sensory and behavioural marketing, exploring % of research budget allocation,…

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