About Spotlight: Navigating global media demand and pricing trends – 2024 & beyond

Spotlight: Navigating global media demand and pricing trends – 2024 & beyond - About

Join Mark Gallagher (EVP Global Investment) at Omnicom Media Group as we dig into global media pricing trends for 2024 (and beyond).

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WFA’s Outlook is the industry’s reference point for global annual media cost inflation and deflation. Mark Gallagher, OMG’s pricing supremo (and one of the contributors to Outlook), will provide a detailed account of how the global media market is expected to evolve in the coming months and years.

If you’re focused on media pricing and budget management – this is not one to miss.

Session 1 Tuesday, April 23: 3 pm London | 10 am New York 
Session 2 Thursday, May 2: 9 am London | 4 pm Singapore 

This webinar is open to:

  • WFA members
  • Brand members of WFA national advertiser associations


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