Swedish advertisers explore children's views on advertising

Swedish advertisers explore children's views on advertising

1 minute read

WFA News

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  • Author:WFA


20 October 2016
8 in 10 children in Sweden think that there is too much advertising. This is one of the key findings of the Association of Swedish Advertisers (SA) and their 2016 report on the Swedish population's attitudes towards advertising.

The Mixed Feelings 2.0 report was conducted by SA in partnership with Novus. The association has done similar reports in the past, but this year they also surveyed children and young people aged 8 to 15 aside from the country's adult population.

The report found that more than half of Swedish consumers have a negative or very negative view towards advertising. "Children have a less negative view but nonetheless tend to deem advertising as boring or annoying. Children are also more positive about what advertising offers", said Anders Ericsson, CEO of the Swedish Advertisers.

Key findings of the report on children's attitudes towards ads:

  • 31% of the children surveyed have a positive attitude towards advertising, compared to adults, where only 18% were positive;
  • 82% think that there is too much advertising;
  • Children like advertising in stores (69%), outdoor and newspapers (64%), sporting events (60%) and cinemas (57%);
  • 92% get annoyed by TV commercial breaks;
  • 91% do not like advertising in mobile or computer games;
  • 29% have a negative attitude towards social media.

  • The Mixed Feelings 2.0 report can be downloaded here. For more information, contact SA.

    Article details

    • Author:WFA


    20 October 2016