Defining the industry’s responsibilities
Advertising to children is a very sensitive issue. Some people think all advertising to children should be banned. We believe that in today’s media-filled world, this is neither practical nor desirable.
Brands can play a valuable and meaningful role in children’s lives. They can excite, entertain, educate and inform. They can bring colour, fun and laughter. We believe that such products can be marketed to children as long as strict criteria are met.
The Responsible Advertising and Children Programme helps brands identify what those criteria are. Effectively, what does it mean to advertise in a responsible manner products which have innate appeal to children? How can these brand owners future-proof their longer-term license to operate?
Since 2000, the Responsible Advertising and Children Programme (RAC) has brought together advertisers, agencies and the media at an international and European level to anticipate and understand societal and parental aspirations regarding responsible marketing communications and children. RAC brings together almost a thousand people globally with an interest and stake in the issue of marketing and children.
RAC’s vision is to provide global leadership by championing good practices in marketing communications to children. This exercise is shaped by a continuous dialogue and engagement with policy-makers, society and parents.
RAC keeps members up to speed with latest developments, engages with policy-makers and other stakeholders on priority issues, identifies emerging trends and concerns, draws up potential industry and company solutions, monitors member activities helping them steer clear of potential problems and drives “beyond compliance” programmes which help to future-proof companies’ ability to connect with younger consumers.
The RAC group is chaired by Astrid Williams, Senior Director for Public Policy, Government Affairs & Communications at PepsiCo.