As consumers spend more and more of their time online, digital marketing is now a major focus for many brand owners.
Global ad spend for digital marketing now surpasses even TV. Digital presents brand owners with new and exciting opportunities to connect with consumers, but also raises a number of challenges including privacy concerns, data protection and knowing where to draw the line between ‘disruptive’ and ‘annoying’ when it comes to online ads.
WFA’s Digital Governance Exchange (DGX) is a forum for brand owners to discuss these challenges, with a focus on creating better interactions between brands and consumers in a digital world. As consumers become increasingly sceptical about the role of advertising in their digital lives, brands are facing increased regulatory scrutiny as data-driven marketing and other digital advertising techniques evolve.
DGX aims to help brands address this decline in trust by building connections across sectors and between functions to seek solutions for digital governance which go beyond compliance to build and repair trust with consumers.
The DGX group is chaired by Jacqui Stephenson, Global Responsible Marketing Director at Mars Chocolate.