Posts about Data & Insight

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  1.    Benchmark on digital insight and innovation generation
    Organisation & structureData & analytics

    Benchmark on digital insight and innovation generation

    A benchmark to investigate: how clients mine digital insights from consumers/customers; how client organisations are structured to…

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  2.    Survey on digital attribution modelling
    Ad fraud & verificationAudience measurementData-driven marketing

    Survey on digital attribution modelling

    Survey to identify whether attribution modelling is conducted, the reasons for doing this, models used and benefits identified.

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  3.    Marketing in Africa Interim regional survey results
    Organisation & structureData & analytics

    Marketing in Africa Interim regional survey results

    This document was designed as a means to benchmark thoughts and actions in relation to marketing in Africa. It contains interim…

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  4.    Survey on ROMI - Your approach & measurement
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    Survey on ROMI - Your approach & measurement

    Survey to determine the reasons for tracking Return On Marketing Investment, how this is approached globally, the metrics used and…

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  5.    7 Deadly Sins of Marketing
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    7 Deadly Sins of Marketing

     New research conducted for the WFA has identified the seven key ways that brand marketing is most likely to annoy consumers.…

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  6.    Benchmark on sensory and behavioural marketing
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    Benchmark on sensory and behavioural marketing

    Member benchmark on how research is conducted within sensory and behavioural marketing, exploring % of research budget allocation,…

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  7.    Benchmark on working with digital asset management suppliers
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    Benchmark on working with digital asset management suppliers

    Benchmark on working with digital asset management suppliers and software providers who implement workflow management.

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  8.    Survey on brand tracking
    Consumer insightData & analytics

    Survey on brand tracking

    Survey looking at market research investment in brand tracking and consumer intelligence, survey sample size and methodology,…

    Read more about "Survey on brand tracking"
  9.    Guide to Programmatic Media (2014)
    ProgrammaticAgency managementData & analytics

    Guide to Programmatic Media (2014)

    An introduction and guide to the programmatic media landscape, with focus on the suppliers and the different models of trading desks…

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